Friday, 19 December 2008



Dalam rotation paediatric dan dikenali sebagai wad penyakit kanak-kanak..

A little boy
Umur kanak-kanak: 4 thn 6 bulan
Sex: male
Bangsa: Russian
Condition: Crying. In pain while closing both of his hands to his stomach. All he knew was crying. Seriously if you will see this boy right now, u'll feel sympathy..His mother doesnt really get what was happening to him. No idea. Clueless. But all she knew was his baby has loosing his weight. But the amount, she doesnt really care about..

The unfortunate mother
She was really panic. Trying to get the help as soon as possible. Calling the ambulance. All the time she was praying and hoping his child will be better soon..Along all the way shes holding his hand..sweating and really panic. The boy continued crying, crying..

Paediatrician on duty
Get the child in the 1st hand, trying to stabilize him. Give all what he needs. Starting from IV drip till to stabilize. All the symptoms, physical examination and laboratory test done, till the conclusion has been ruled out..The doctor still don't satisfied. To the radiologist he verified. The doctor looked at to the AXR (Abdominal X-ray)............................................................clueless.......................the the enlargement of mesenteric lymph nodes. No obstruction, no edema, no gaseous, nothing more. Meaning chronic inflammatory disease. But what is it?Could be a tumour?or a lymphoma?To the proffesor he referred. Finally, The crohn's disease has been preferred...All the medication regarding to the disease was taken, the child getting stronger. The mother relieved. Suddenly, a bleeding occur..a colonoscopy was confirmed.

Doctor in charge for colonoscopy
The probe has been ready. The procedure was going smoothly untill......suddenly, the fiber optic thru colon cannot be proceeded, something blocked!! The doctor starred and checking properly on the TV, attentively....a new diagnose came out. It is a new tumour...Actually it was a Crohns disease with a complicated stage(scarring) and a new tumour..

Gambar hiasan 1

Gambar hiasan 2

Nota bawah:
-This is a true story told by my lecturer.
-Since ive been in this field for almost 5 and half years, and facing with a lots of clinical and weird thingy cases, this one was different. Maybe due to his age, a small kid, innocents, and really don't know what happened to him was made me became so attentively listen to the story and miraculously can feel the pain..

-Is there still a chance for him?if beningn (not too dangerous) Alhamdulillah

if malignant (dangerous) ?

“Dan sungguh akan Kami berikan cubaan kepada kalian dengan sedikit ketakutan, kelaparan, kekurangan harta, jiwa dan buah-buahan. Dan berikanlah berita gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar.” (Al-Baqarah: 155)


laki cikgu kimia said...

sedih la.. sian dak tu.

JatBee said...


Ain Mardhiah said...


uish, terasa macam sedang menyaksikan cerita dr house plak.. panyakit pelik-pelik.. tapi kesian gak kat budak tu.. allahu yusahil alaihu.

p/s: bro, saya linkkan blog bro kat blog saya ek. suka baca your medical entry.. hehe

JatBee said...

ainul: yes. That was im trying to do. Try make us fully conscious of what other feels during the critical moment...terima kasih sbb sudi link :D

arsaili said...

salam..good sharing....

JatBee said...

arsaili: salam..:)

Anonymous said...

I admire your work ... Good continuation!

JatBee said...

Mouad: Thanx..its just nothing, and i just did what i can for all peoples outside there..